Kicker LX850.1 850W Mono Class D Sub Amp w/Smart Bass

Kicker LX850.1 850W Mono Class D Sub Amp w/Smart Bass

RMS Power [Watts Channel] @ 14.4V
1Ω mono: 850W
2Ω mono: 500W
4Ω mono: 300W
Dynamic Power [Watts]
Frequency Response [Hz]
10–160, +0/–1dB
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
(a-weighted, re: rated power)
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
(ref: 1W output)
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LX850.1 850W Mono Class D Sub Amp w/Smart Bass
LX850.1 850W Mono Class D Sub Amp w/Smart Bass
LX850.1 850W Mono Class D Sub Amp w/Smart Bass
LX850.1 850W Mono Class D Sub Amp w/Smart Bass
Kicker LX850.1 850W Mono Class D Sub Amp w/Smart Bass
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